
TOV Solver for neutron star structure calculations.

Project maintained by rsouza01 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

#TOV Solver (tovsolver)


The main purpose of this program is to integrate the TOV equations under some Equation of State.

##Command Line Parameters

-config FILENAME : defines which config file should be read by the program.

-rho_0 : define the value for central energy density (e(R = 0)).

##EOS File format

The file is very simple. It must be formated in 3 columns (comma separated), in the following order:

  1. Density (mass density, it will be converted internally to energy density, depending on the chosen unit system).
  2. Pressure.
  3. Baryon density, if provided.

The data must be sorted as density descending, i.e. from the bigger mass density to the smaller. In the future, one should be abble to inform the data in any sorting.

##Config File Parameters


It is provided a lot of scripts along the executable. Let’s see what each one does.